加强邮电企业管理 开展企业升级工作

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去年七月,国务院颁发了《关于加强工业企业管理若干问题的决定》,这是国家在完成企业全面整顿以后,对加强企业管理的又一个重要部署,是整个“七五”期间国家经济战线上的一件大事。国务院在《决定》中提出的抓管理、上等级、全面提高企业素质,是加强企业管理的一种新形式、新措施。“七五”期间,国家把提高质量、降低消耗、增加效益,作为考核企业管理水平的主要指标,要求按行业制订国家特级企业、国家一级企业、国家二级企业和省级先进企业的标准,各企业特别是大中型企业从自己的实际情况出发,制定“抓管理、上等级、全面提高素质”的规划,组织全体干部职工为其实现而奋斗。对于邮电部门来说,结合本行业特点贯彻国务院的决定,加强邮电企业管理,开展企业升级工作,有着十分重要的意义。 In July last year, the State Council issued the “Decision on Strengthening Certain Issues Concerning the Administration of Industrial Enterprises.” This is yet another important deployment by the state in strengthening the management of enterprises after the enterprises are fully rectified. It is also an important part of the national economic front during the “Seventh Five-Year” A big event. In the Decision, the State Council grasps the management of a higher level and overall improvement of the quality of the enterprise, which is a new form and measure for strengthening the management of an enterprise. During the “Seventh Five-Year Plan” period, the state will regard improving quality, reducing consumption and increasing efficiency as the main indicators for assessing the management level of enterprises and require that the standards of state-level enterprises, state-level enterprises, state-level enterprises and provincial-level advanced enterprises should be formulated according to the industry All enterprises, especially large and medium-sized enterprises, set out from their own actual conditions and formulated a plan of “grasping management, upgrading their ranks and improving their overall quality” and organized all cadres and workers to strive for their realization. For the post and telecommunications departments, the combination of the characteristics of the industry to implement the State Council’s decision to strengthen the management of postal enterprises, to carry out business upgrades, is of great significance.
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潘某,男性,36岁。于1995年6月某日出现痰中带血丝,逐渐加重。于每日晨起时咯2~3口暗红色血痰,日间痰中带血丝或细小血块,并伴有胸骨后异物感。曾先后 Panmou, male, 36 year