Cool Inventions炫酷发明

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  Most shoe dryers(干鞋器) use heat(熱度). This one uses wind. It has a pair of fans(风扇). Its name is FANtastic. A Swedish(瑞典的) company(公司) made it. It can dry shoes quickly.
Never give up, never lose hope.  Always have faiths, it allows you to cope.  Trying times will pass, as they always do.  So put on a smile, your dreams will come true.  不放棄,不灰心,  心存信念,才能应对自如。  难熬的时光终将
My English teacher’s name is Miss Li. She is very beautiful. But let’s talk about the advantage(优点) of her because it is more important than her appearance(外貌).  She works very hard. When we have some
One day, the Pipi monster arrives on Earth. It is a big and strong alien(外星人). It attacks people on Earth. The world needs a hero robot to save earth. Who can invent the robot?  McDull always dreams t
My favorite teacher is Miss Guo. She teaches us English. She has long black hair and big eyes. She wears a pair of glasses. There is always a smile on her face.  In class, she is humorous(幽默的)and alwa
你梦想着成为什么样的人?人生的道路多种多样,长大后成为医生、演员、律师或是歌手,都基于你当初的信仰和梦想。当你有了一个明确的目标后,坚定的信念和为之努力的过程,会不断激励着你朝着那个目标前进。  Doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer  Why not president, be a dreamer  You can be just the one you want t
有一片森林,那里的树木枝繁叶茂,林间绿草如茵,鸟语花香。小兔贝贝和妈妈一起去采蘑菇,经过小河,她们看见小马正在过河。  Baby horse crosses the river carefully.  小马小心翼翼地过河。  Mother horse smiles pleasantly by the river.  马妈妈站在岸边笑眯眯地看着。  The squirrel shouts loudl
剛来上校家不久, Maria便遭遇了孩子们的恶作剧,但是她并没有因此而生气,或是向上校告状。上校要离家一周的时间,Maria该如何和这些调皮的孩子相处呢?请继续欣赏江苏省泰州市实验小学同学们的精彩表演!  Maria:Oh,yeah ... Boys and girls,come out! Today we will go out to play. Are you ready?  Children
树叶黄了,就要掉落了,被风吹走,找不到了;冬天来了,天气凉了,雪花飘飘,小动物们害怕了。冬天到底有什么可怕的地方,让它们闻风丧胆呢?读一读,想一想,你一定会忍不住哈哈大笑!  It is cold and the wind is blowing heavily.  Little Cat stays at home and looks out of the window.  A bird is co
Can you find 10 differences between the two pictures?
世界很大,等待我们去探索的事物很多。同学们,你喜欢尝试新事物吗?当你勇敢地打破常规,面对新的挑战时,虽然未必会成功,但你一定会有所收获。  You’ll never enjoy your life  living inside the box  You’re so afraid of taking chances  how you gonna reach the top  Rules and re