绘本,主要指以绘画为主,并附有少量文字的书籍。绘本中不仅有知识、有故事,还能帮助幼儿建构精神世界。在传统的幼儿园绘本教学中,教师习惯于采用单一化的教学方式,难以激发幼儿对绘本学习的热情。因此,教师要主动变革绘本教学模式,从幼儿角度出发,优化设计,让幼儿爱上绘本,让幼儿在绘本中得到进步与发展。一、巧用绘本插图,激发幼儿阅读兴趣绘本,英文为picture book,可以简单理解为一种图画
Picture book, mainly refers to the painting, with a small amount of text books. The picture book not only has knowledge, a story, but also to help children build the spiritual world. In traditional kindergarten picture book teaching, teachers are accustomed to using a single teaching method, it is difficult to inspire children’s enthusiasm for picture book learning. Therefore, teachers should take the initiative to change the teaching mode of picture book, from the perspective of young children, optimize the design so that children fall in love with picture book, so that children in the picture book to be progress and development. First, clever use of the illustration of the picture book to stimulate children’s reading interest picture book, English picture book, can be simply understood as a picture