第二次世界大战中,德国海军可谓叱咤风云,战功卓著,尤其潜艇更令盟军大为头痛,但这毕竟已是昨日黄花。如今,统一后的德国在新形势下如何建设和发展其海军力量呢? 编制与装备 德国海军总兵力2.85万人,到2005年人员将减至2.6万人。主要编成为海军指挥参谋部、舰队司令部、海军航空兵司令部、海军通信司令部和海军电子司令部。主要基地:格吕克斯堡、科尔、威廉港、奥尔珀尼茨、瓦
During the Second World War, the German Navy was a mighty and accomplished war effort. In particular, the submarine made the Allied armies a big headache. However, it is already a yellow flower yesterday. Now, after reunification, how to build and develop its naval forces in the new situation? The number of troops deployed and equipped with the German navy is 28,500, and by 2005 it will be reduced to 26,000. Mainly composed of the Naval Command Staff, Fleet Command, Naval Air Command, Naval Communications Command and Naval Electronics Command. The main bases: Glücksburg, Kohl, Wilhelmshaven, Olpnitz, tile