一、小儿肿瘤的远期预后评价小儿肿瘤的远期预后,可用Sutow 的生存质量法.从表一可见,长期生存的病例需控制原发肿瘤(如表一中1a 及1b);未能控制原发瘤(1b 及2ab)者其死亡率高.本文重点讨论晚期复发、晚期损害(tate effect)问题.
First, the long-term prognosis of pediatric tumors Evaluation of the long-term prognosis of pediatric tumors available quality of life Sutow law can be seen from Table 1, the long-term survival of patients with primary tumors need to be controlled (as shown in Table I 1a and 1b); failed to control Primary tumors (1b and 2ab) have a high mortality rate.This article focuses on the late recurrence and late tate effects.