明万历34年(公元1606年)秋天,在北京的一所宫殿式房子里,意大利耶稣会传教士利玛窦(Matteo Ricci,1552—1610年)与明代科学家徐光启正在合作翻译一本欧洲古典数学名著,这就是古希腊文明时代大数学家欧几里德的《几何原本》。这本书由利玛窦口译,徐光启笔录,于第二年春天译成前6卷出版。这是中国第一次翻译西方科学专著,它标志着西方科学知识在中国传播的开端。不仅如此,这件事还给此后中国数学学科的发展带来了很大影响。要理解这一点,首先得了解《几何原本》究竟是怎样一部书。
Ming Wanli In the autumn of 34 years (AD 1606), Matteo Ricci (1552-1610), an Italian Jesuit missionary, and a Ming scientist Xu Guangqi are collaborating on the translation of a European classical mathematics in a palace-like house in Beijing. Masterpiece, this is the “geometric origin” of Euclid, the great mathematician of ancient Greek civilization. This book was translated by Ricci, transcripts of Xu Guangqi, and was translated into the first six volumes in the following spring. This is the first translation of a Western scientific monograph in China, which marks the beginning of the spread of Western scientific knowledge in China. Not only that, this incident has also brought great influence on the development of Chinese mathematics. To understand this, we must first understand what exactly the original “geometry” is.