Bamboo qualitative rethinking in packaging design

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  【Abstract】: As a kind of natural material, bamboo since ancient started by a human use, in order to meet all aspects of the production, the life needs, whether in the history of Chinese bamboo culture, the formation of the spiritual culture, or the people's life, has played a large role. British scholar Joseph Needham even said: "east Asian civilization is a bamboo civilization", in today's society can also see a lot of design practice in based on the traditional bamboo culture in our country, explore the emerging discipline intersection, and trying to traditional art forms and modern artistic technique of expression blend in the areas of exploration bamboo qualitative emerging development space.
  【Key words】: Bamboo;natural material
  Bamboo culture has a long history in China, now the update of the traditional culture of the new opportunities and challenges. Due to its characteristics of bamboo, however, become a kind of natural environmental protection material, become a "circular economy" era in the important part of the environmental protection material. Bamboo products in China the most complete set of system, including bamboo food, bamboo handicrafts, bamboo rattan furniture fabric, bamboo handicrafts, bamboo charcoal products, etc., because the bamboo is closely related to people's life, China is also known as "the kingdom of bamboo civilization".
  The necessity of bamboo qualitative research use
  Although natural bamboo has many advantages, but the development of bamboo has remained at the daily necessities of direction of manufacture as well as some simple household items, not like the wood into the large-scale production and application. In essence, the peak of bamboo timber has gradually receded, today's bamboo has a certain dilemma, bamboo timber market gradually away from the life of people, the development of bamboo is not stable.
  First of all, the beauty of bamboo timber was questioned. Now, many consumers have decoration products will promote the historical trend, mainly because of decoration in the history of the people do, too simple, simple, in a sense is regarded as a kind of low attitude towards life. In product form development today, the market pattern to break up and restructuring, products on the market are highly recognized, to good development. Bamboo only change its current form can be in step by step on the path of sustainable development.
  Second, traditional art is comparatively backward relative to the development of The Times. Traditional advocate material products in the form of writing is relatively restrained, rarely have a personality change, traditional craft or inherit traditional technique, concise style, the traditional Chinese auspicious patterns, clear product features. Traditional way of creation and expression, as usual, airport, had to contemporary derailment led products, can not directly to meet the requirements of the release of the rapid development, but also failed to give full play to the bamboo unique qualities, to some extent hindered the development of environmentally friendly products.   Finally, the traditional production mode to limit the late development of bamboo products, many of the bamboo resources and didn't get the corresponding planning and management, more sanctions on only Yu Chuanchong handicraft production mode, use simple workshop mode in recent years rapid or not a system of production management modes. Then the traditional manual technology gradually formed in accumulate over a long period, the traditions of a production situation lead to people in new way of generating no more cognitive, and then make the bamboo products lack of innovation, make its have been in the replication of low-cost simplified production.
  The feasibility of the bamboo culture in packaging design thinking
  1. Bamboo ecological material value
  Due to the characteristics of bamboo timber, be the first choice of the green packaging material, it has extremely easily renewable and degradation of two characteristics, the production of bamboo in the world the first in our country, and is referred to as the "kingdom of bamboo. Bamboo is evergreen shallow-rooted plant, often with other species of mixed forests, bamboo grows very quickly, the early three years bamboo is gradually mature and can be used in processing. And bamboo growing conditions are relatively widely, such as the bamboo area of south of the Yangtze river according to provide a good platform for the bamboo industry, consolidate the bamboo as the environmental protection material choice at the same time.
  2. Bamboo culture symbols added value
  Already through to the Chinese traditional bamboo culture, bamboo is not only a traditional life supplies, craft products of raw materials, is also the important resource for the construction of material civilization resources in our country, and infiltration and condensed in spiritual civilization, forming the unique culture of our country, formed a unique bamboo civilization in China. Su dongpo once said "would rather feed without flesh, cannot ju mozhu", many ethnic minorities in China, however, bamboo has become a important religious symbols.
  Through the bamboo qualitative again in packaging design using the way of thinking, analysis of bamboo qualitative aesthetic ability, can create can meet the needs of function and aesthetic function form of packaging. Has been wedded China's long history culture and bamboo, and has the rich bamboo resources, as long as the rich bamboo would be planning to use, can speak bamboo culture and the perfect combination of packaging design, not only give a person with good feelings, and simple at the same time also will design feeling combined with traditional material, in the environment embody full of bamboo at the same time, also follow the path of sustainable development.
【摘要】:随着时代的进步世界的融合,生活变得多元化,各种文化互相渗透使得画家对工笔画的表现形式和手法不断创新完善,并且彻底打破了文化的界限。当代画家,尤其是青年画家在思想自由的时代大环境下充分的释放自我追求个人的绘画风格,形成了一股新势力。他们用不同以往的绘画语言表达着当代的工笔画。  【关键词】:新型工笔画;发展趋势、  中国画一直以来被大多数不懂艺术的人认为是传统,那么传统是什么意思呢?是说相
【摘要】:随着人们科技水平和生活水平的不断提高和改善,我国的建筑设计和园林设计也越来越新颖、越来越非凡,取得不错的成就。然而,景观设计数量上的迅猛增长和技术上的西方化导致景观设计的“统一化”,雷同的景观设计一抓一大把,缺少特异性和创新性,没有把各个地域的特色展现出来,缺少吸引人眼球的优秀设计作品。景观设计的西方化和统一化致使许多地方文化、民族特色和传统文化灰飞烟灭。  【关键词】:地域;特色;文化
【摘要】:环境设计专业是一门实用性很强的学科专业。环境设计教育也有其自身特点。在我国设计教育现行体系之下, 传统的环境设计专业室内设计课程的教学采用的是一种相对较为封闭的教学机制,学生的课程学习较多的时间是在教室完成的,缺乏主观能动性和实践操作能力。因此,建立环境设计工作室成为一种新型的教学机制,工作室制教学模式是以工作室为载体,将课程教学与设计项目实践融为一体,由教师带领学生在承接和完成设计项目
【摘要】:中国古建筑文化的内涵反映在技术和风格方面的特色有四方面:一是礼制体现着中国古代建筑文化的主题;二是风水术对中国古代建筑影响很大;三是东方大地的农业文化与“浓厚的伦理”的哲学思想决定了中国古代建筑文化的材料模式和结构“语汇”;四是以“诗情画意”为主导思想的自然风景式的中国古典园林。  【关键词】:中国古代;建筑文化;特色  中国古代建筑是中华民族优秀文化传统的重要组成部分。在中国社会发展的
【摘要】:生活是最好的老师,它潜藏了艺术的生命。走入生活,人的的主动性体现在观察、感受以后所采取的方法、行动,这个过程对绘画创作起着重要的作用。  【关键词】:生活;体验;情感;艺术;创作  生活广义上指人的各种活动,包括日常生活行动、学习、工作、休闲、社交、娱乐等职业生活,个人生活、家庭生活和社会生活以及玩味生活。生活是比生存更高层面的一种状态,因为不仅包含了生存还有思维、情感,是体现人类所有的
【摘要】:身体是美的载体,舞蹈将这种美发挥到了极致,通过身体所呈现的不同姿态形态来发现舞蹈的美,对比中西方舞蹈美的差异所在,欣赏不同的舞蹈美。  【关键词】:阴阳平衡;外开直立;外放与内收  前言  美学离不开情感、艺术、自然。那么我们可以认为这些词语均是在美的范畴内。在《哲学与美学—一种无原则的批判》中有这样一句话“身体美是自然美的顶峰,是艺术美,尤其是造型艺术和表演艺术美的中心”。据此我们可以
【摘要】:在V.S.奈保尔的长篇处女座《通灵的按摩师》中,作者运用了漫画笔法勾勒出主人公格涅沙飘摇的一生,同时也展现了特立尼达地区的时代变迁。  【关键词】:《通灵的按摩师》;漫画笔法;文化混杂  漫画,“乃漫笔而画之也’。漫画在所有的画中是最不受约束的一种,也是任由想象发挥的一种。奈保尔的作品也如漫画一般,由形传神,想象奇特。纵观《通灵的按摩师》一书,更可以明显感到那种“漫笔而画之”的漫画风格。