近十年来,睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(SAS)逐渐引起了人们的重视,有关的文献报道亦随之增多,但其肺功能方面的报告尚不多见。现将我们遇到的9例阻塞型睡眠呼吸暂停综合征患者的肺功能结果报告如下,并就肺功能检查在该病的诊断、治疗中的应用价值加以探讨。资料和方法一、临床资料 9例患者中男性7例,女性2例,年龄40—63岁,平均年龄52岁,平均身高168cm,平均体重92kg,分别来自内科、五官科病房及门诊。患者主诉入睡后打鼾、憋气、伴口唇明显发绀,醒后紫绀减轻,白日嗜睡。患者体型均明显肥胖,基础疾病分别有慢性支气管
Over the past decade, sleep apnea syndrome (SAS) has gradually attracted people’s attention, the relevant literature also increased, but its lung function is still rare. We now encounter 9 cases of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in patients with pulmonary function results are reported below, and lung function tests in the diagnosis of the disease, the value of the treatment to be explored. Materials and Methods First, the clinical data of 9 patients, 7 males and 2 females, aged 40-63 years, mean age 52 years, average height 168cm, average weight 92kg, respectively, from the internal medicine, ENT wards and clinics. Patients complained of falling asleep after snoring, suffocating, accompanied by obvious cyanosis of lips, wake up cyanosis to reduce the daytime sleepiness. Patients were significantly obese, the underlying diseases were chronic bronchitis