皮肤行为症(Cutaneous behavior disorders)为神经功能障碍性皮肤病,主要见于儿童,到目前为止,所见报告不多,一般是加强教育,说服引导和对症治疗,但收效甚微。笔者对1987年5月~1988年1月在微量元素门诊所见的14例患者从调整微量元素代谢失衡方面进行治疗,现将疗效好:将料完整的9例作如下总结: 9例患者均为儿童,男6例,女3例,年龄2 8/(?)岁~11岁,病程1—3年,共同表现
Cutaneous behavior disorders are neurodegenerative skin disorders and are seen primarily in children. So far, a small number of reports have been reported; generally, they are more intensive education, persuasive guidance and symptomatic treatment with little success. The author of the May 1987 ~ January 1988 in the trace element clinic seen in 14 patients from the adjustment of metabolic imbalances of trace elements for treatment, will now have a good effect: the expected completion of the nine cases as follows: 9 patients were For children, 6 males and 3 females, aged 2 8 / (?) Years old to 11 years of age, duration of 1-3 years, the common performance