我国工业支柱之一的建筑工业,近几十年来得到蓬勃发展。以上海为例,仅高层建筑就达1500多幢。建筑师有广阔的创作天地。近代中国的一些洋楼大都出自外国建筑师之手,中国人自己培养的建筑师在30~40年代才陆续形成,而对于建筑教育有杰出贡献的当推刘敦桢、杨廷宝、童传三教授,他们是中国建筑教育事业的奠基人。 刘敦桢教授1897年9月生于湖南新宁县一个小官员家庭,早年留学日本,1922年学成回国,与留日同学创办了我国第一所由中国人设计工程的“华海建筑师事务
The construction industry, one of China’s industrial pillars, has thrived in recent decades. Take Shanghai as an example, only over 1,500 high-rise buildings. Architect has a vast creative world. Most of the modern Chinese buildings were mostly from foreign architects. Chinese-owned architects formed one after another in the 1930s and 1940s, while professors Liu Dunzhen, Yang Tingbao and Tong Chuan-san, who made outstanding contributions to architectural education, Is the founder of China’s architectural education. Professor Liu Dunzhen was born in September 1897 in Xinning County, Hunan Province, a small official family, early study in Japan, returned to study in 1922, and students from Japan set up China’s first by the Chinese design project "Huahai Architects