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例1患者女,39岁。右乳癌,行Patey手术,术后分期T_2N_2M_0,术后3 d出现情绪低落,精神焦虑,睡眠障碍,未予及时治疗,症状逐渐加重,术后1周出现悲观、失望并有严重自杀倾向。根据抑郁自评量表(SDS)评定标准分为76分,属于严重抑郁。给予百忧解(盐酸氟西汀)20 mg,qd,口服,并由精神科医生进行针对性心理干预治疗:包括向患者介绍 Example 1 patient female, 39 years old. Right breast cancer underwent Patey operation and postoperative staging T_2N_2M_0. Depression, mental anxiety and sleep disturbance occurred on the 3rd day after operation. The symptoms were gradually aggravated. One week after the operation, there was pessimism, disappointment and severe suicidal tendency. According to the Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS) evaluation criteria were divided into 76 points, belonging to severe depression. Give Prozac (fluoxetine hydrochloride) 20 mg, qd, orally, and targeted psychotherapy by a psychiatrist: Includes introduction to the patient
患儿:女,6岁,因哭闹时左腰部隆起6年入院.患儿生后即被发现哭闹或其他原因引起腹压增加时,左腰部向外隆起,无腹痛、腹胀、呕吐,6年来无明显好转,就诊我院.入院查体:T 36.5℃,P 86次/min,R 20次/min,Bp 100/60mmHg,神志清楚,营养中等,自主体位,查体合作.皮肤黏膜未见黄染、出血点,浅表淋巴结未触及肿大.头颅五官无畸形,颈无抵抗,器官居中。
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等直径变螺距螺纹加工是一个较为复杂的技术问题,变螺距锥螺纹加工则难度更甚,根据加工实践,阐述了一种在生产过程中形成的较为成熟的变螺距锥螺纹的加工方案。 The process