改革春潮涌,开放巨浪腾。 十堰,伴随着改革开放和现代文明的渗透,千百年来,被海浪般层层叠叠的大山挡住的山门终于向世人敞开了。百里车城,一片欢腾,新生事物如雨后春笋,应运而生。中保财产保险有限公司十堰分公司,就是在改革开放大潮中涌现出的一颗耀眼“明珠”。她的诞生,为促进山区经济的快速发展,稳定城乡工农业生产和增强群众抗灾防灾能力等方面,发挥了无可替代的巨大作用。
Spring flood surge, open waves teng. Shiyan, accompanied by the reform and opening up and the penetration of modern civilization, for thousands of years, has been sheltered by the waves of the mountains of the mountain gate finally opened to the world. Barry car city, a jubilant, new things springing up, came into being. PICC Property & Casualty Co., Ltd. Shiyan Branch, is in the tide of reform and opening up emerged in a dazzling “Pearl.” Her birth has played an irreplaceable and tremendous role in promoting the rapid economic development in the mountainous areas, stabilizing the industrial and agricultural production in urban and rural areas and enhancing the disaster prevention and disaster prevention capabilities of the masses.