In the ninth revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9), there is a special category called “late effects” of the disease. The late effects of the disease are commonly referred to as “sequelae of the disease,” meaning that the course of the primary disease (or injury, poisoning) has expired or has ceased to develop while still being long-term, one year or more) or persisting in the patient Some irreversible changes in the body, or residual some of the old chronic diseases are not easy to cure.Acute infectious diseases and injuries, the late effects of poisoning can also be confirmed in less than one year after the termination of the primary disease. ICD-9 has specific ranges for late effects such as late effects of tuberculosis (137), late effects of acute polio (138), late effects of other infectious and parasitic diseases (139), late rickets effects ( 268.1), late effects of intracranial abscess and purulent infection (326), late effects of cerebrovascular disease (438), late effects (905-909) of injury, poisoning and other exogenous factors, injury, external causes of late effects of poisoning Categories were E929, E959, E969, E977, E989, E999. According to the coding principle of ICD-9, late effects require two codes, one indicating the residual condition of the primary disease (or the nature of the late effects) and the other the true late effects. Late effects are generally not the primary source of clinical data, unless the physician does not refer to the nature of the late effect, the residual clinical manifestation, as the primary code. Because ICD-9 uses a mixed-heart-centered classification of the cause, it is suitable for both the cause of death statistics and the classification of hospital diseases.