正当新方志续修拦开序幕的时候,一部在新方志工作理论上承前启后,实用性很强的工具书《新编地方志续修手册》问世了。该书由江苏省地方志办公室编写,方志出版社出版,全书共23万余字。 《手册》由四个部分组成:第一部分是中央领导同志关于地方志工作的题词、批示及讲话;
At the time when the new chronicles were resumed, a new handbook on local chronicles, the new handbook for local chronicles, came out in the history of new chronicles. This book is written by the local history office of Jiangsu Province, published by Local Records Publishing House, with a total of more than 230,000 words. The Handbook consists of four parts: The first part is about the inscriptions, instructions and speeches made by the central leading comrades on the work of local history.