作为2011中国影音集成科技展的重要组成部分,由《家庭影院技术》杂志社与美国THX公司共同举办了2011中国北京THX HT1家庭影院一级认证工程师培训课程,共吸引了来自全国各地(包括香港与台湾地区)共170名影音行业精英以及影音发烧友参加,可谓中国影音行业盛事,必定能促进中国家庭影院行业朝着专业化、标准化的方向不断前进,开拓家庭影院行业崭新的未来。
As an important part of CTIE 2011, “Home Theater Technology” magazine and THX of the United States co-hosted the 2011 THX HT1 Home Theater Level One Certified Engineer Training Course in Beijing, China, attracting attendees from all over the country, including Hong Kong And Taiwan, a total of 170 audio and video industry elite and audio-visual enthusiasts to attend, can be described as China’s audio and video industry event, will certainly be able to promote China’s home theater industry in the direction of specialization, standardization continue to advance, open up a new home theater industry’s future.