赵××男7个月1979年1月7日入院,住院号288。患儿系第二胎,足月顺产。出生后双眼无睑裂,哭时无泪。父母非血族婚姻,家族中无先天畸形。其母在孕期曾发热、腹痛,无放射线接触史和外伤史。眼部检查:双眼眉毛稀疏,眼眶前部为连续的皮肤复盖,均无睑裂,略塌陷,左侧尤甚。无泪点和睫毛(封2下图)。眼部柔软,未扪及硬块或囊状物。眼眶X 线摄片未见异常。用强光照射眼部,未见眼部皮肤颤动。体查:左耳廓较右耳廓稍长,其余未见
Zhao XX male 7 months January 7, 1979 admission, hospital number 288. Children with a second child, full-term birth. No blepharophimosis after birth, no tears when crying. Non-kinship marriages of parents, no congenital anomalies in the family. The mother had fever during pregnancy, abdominal pain, no history of radiation exposure and history of trauma. Eye examination: sparse eyebrows, orbital front of the continuous skin cover, no palpebral fissure, slightly collapsed, especially the left. No tears and eyelashes (seal 2 below). Eye soft, palpable lumps or bladders. Orbital X-ray showed no abnormalities. With strong light irradiation of the eye, no eye skin fibrillation. Physical examination: left auricle slightly longer than the right auricle, the rest did not see