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这是人类历史上罕见的远征,历尽艰难险阻,绝境逢生。长征,跨越了中国15个省份,翻越了20多座山脉,渡过了30多条河流,总里程超过了两万五千里。品读王树增先生的《长征》,细腻的笔触裹挟着浓重的历史感扑面而来,一幅幅鲜活的图画跃然纸上。宏大的叙事、激情的抒写、深刻的见解、详实准确的历史资料,流畅动人的语言风格,打开那段岁月封存的民族记忆,双眼湿润,心灵震撼,敬意满怀。 This is a rare expedition in the history of mankind, going through all the hardships and obstacles, and desperate circumstances. The Long March, spanning 15 provinces in China, overtook more than 20 mountain ranges and passed over 30 rivers with a total mileage of more than 25,000 miles. Reading the “Long March” by Mr. Wang Shuseng, delicate brushstrokes embrace a thick sense of history and a vivid picture is vividly displayed on paper. Grand narrative, passionate expression, profound insights, detailed and accurate historical data, smooth and moving language style, open the memory of that period of national memory, moist eyes, soul shock, full of respect.