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(一)初遇Banjo2015年初的冬天,我迎来了研究生生涯的第一个假期。因为决定要过得不同以往,所以独自飞去加拿大找在那里念书的弟弟。这注定是一次孤独的旅行,因为弟弟白天上课,我就一个人在附近的街区里闲逛。一个人走在安静的街区里,走在温哥华冬日湿漉漉的空气里,耳边只有急促的呼吸声,蓝眼睛和海鸥都在草地边望着异乡的我。走到可以看见太平洋的地方,望着远处的宽广,会觉得天高地阔,心高命长,即使有 (I) First met Banjo In the early winter of 2016, I ushered in the first postgraduate career vacation. Because she decided to live a different life, she flew home to Canada to find her younger brother who was studying there. This is bound to be a lonely trip, because my brother during the day classes, I alone in the neighborhood wandering. A person walking in a quiet neighborhood, walking in the wet winter air in Vancouver, the ear is only a rapid breath, blue eyes and gulls are looking at me in the grassland. Walked to the Pacific Ocean can see the place, looking at the distance of the wide, will feel heaven and earth, high life and death, even if there is
我的母亲,我想,是配得上“神一样的存在”这个称呼的——这并非戏言,而是她确实有着某种“神”一样的特质。  我的母亲——甩她自己的话说——是个“强迫症”。母亲似乎总是在家中走来走去——一会儿搬几盆花摆到这儿,一会儿又拿几个盒子放到那儿;有时动手给家里的猫添置些玩具,有时则在墙上贴些装饰之类的东西——走来走去地进行着诸如此类毫无规律的活动。问她理由,回答总是“这样更好看”“这样更整齐”——可这又好像不