罗布麻(Apocynum venetum)叶具有抗衰老作用;日本罗布麻(A.venetum var.basikurumon)在日本北海道的当别地区是一种老年人的保健茶;大叶白麻(Poacynumhendersonii)的叶子近来在中国作为罗布麻的代用品。 用HPLC法测定了罗布麻及大叶白麻叶
Apocynum venetum leaves have an anti-aging effect; A. venetum var. basikurumon is a health tea for the elderly in the northern part of Hokkaido, Japan; leaves of Poacynum hendersonii are recently China is a substitute for Apocynum. Determination of Apocynum macrophylla and Big-leaf Hemp Leaves by HPLC