大师中的大师 林风眠的艺术造诣及市场走向

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近日,笔者与几位画界朋友谈论20世纪中国绘画,其中一位竺先生以自己独到的眼光阐述了20世纪中国绘画三条脉络:“一条是以张大千领衔的传统派画家,代表画家还有吴湖帆、溥儒、贺天健、郑午昌、谢稚柳、陈少梅,稍后有陆俨少等;第二条为民间派画家,代表画家为齐白石,这一路画家还有陈子庄、黄叶村等;第三条为海归派画家,代表画家为徐悲鸿、林风眠,这一路有影响的画家尚有刘海粟、高剑父、高奇峰、陶冷月等。不过海归派在国际上最有影响和成就的当推林风眠。” Recently, I talked to some 20th century Chinese paintings with friends in the field of painting. One of them, Mr. Zhu, explained in his own way the three contexts of Chinese painting of the 20th century: “One is a traditional painter headed by Zhang Daqian, Wu Hufan, Pu Ru, He Tianjian, Zheng Wuchang, Xie Zhiliu, Chen Shaomei later Lu Yanshao et al; the second is a folk painter, on behalf of the painter Qi Baishi, this road painter also Chenzhuang Zhuang, Huang Yecun; the third is Returned artists and painters who are influenced by Xu Beihong and Lin Fengmian and influential artists along the way include Liu Haisu, Gao Jianfu, Gao Qifeng, Tao Lengyue, etc. However, the most influential and successful returnees are Lin Fengmian. ”
为有效解决越来越严重的环境污染问题,由科技部组织召开的“生物燃气产业商业模式应用推进现场会”日前在北京延庆县召开。  全国政协副主席、科技部部长万钢,科技部党组成员、副部长张来武,北京市委常委牛有成等领导共同考察了北京国家现代农业科技城德青源生物燃气科技产业化基地、延庆县前黑龙庙生物燃气科技示范村,与使用生物燃气的农民群众进行了交流。来自中国科学院、清华大学、新奥集团公司、杭州能源环境工程有限公司