1 三年的工作总结中国半导体行业协会分立器件专业协会,自1989年11月成立三年以来,本着为政府和企业双向服务的宗旨,逐步开展了一些工作,取得了一些成绩.现总结如下:1.1 进行行业调查、分析和研究,为政府有关部门和企业提供决策参考1.1.1.半导体分立器件行业基本情况调查协会在1990年上半年进行了一次行业基本情况的调查.这次调查主要对会员单位的基本情况,产品的生产、销售、出口,新产品的开发,为彩电国产化配套以及技改引进等进行了调查.被调查并提供资料的单位127个,占整个会员单位的80%左右.写出了约10万字的“半导体分立器件行业基本情况调查资料”并将其提供给了全体会员单位和政府有关部门.
1 Three years of work summary China Semiconductor Industry Association Discrete Devices Association, since its establishment in November 1989 three years, in line with the purpose of two-way government and business services, and gradually carried out a number of work and achieved some results. : 1.1 Conduct industry surveys, analyzes and studies to provide decision-making references for relevant government departments and enterprises 1.1.1. Survey on Basic Conditions of Semiconductor Discrete Devices Industry The Association conducted a survey on the basic conditions of the industry in the first half of 1990. The survey mainly focused on Member units of the basic situation, product production, sale, export, the development of new products for the domestic TV sets supporting the introduction of technical and other investigations were investigated and provide information units 127, accounting for 80% of the entire member units, About 10 million words written “Semiconductor Discrete Device Industry Survey” and provide it to all members of the government departments.