目的探讨将7P营销组合策略引入招募献血浆者工作可行性,达到实施改变目标群体(潜在献血浆者)对采浆的认识进而建立稳定的献血浆者队伍目的。方法通过7P营销组合策略实施建立与目标群体的密切关系,满足目标群体需求。结果招募献血浆者人数从2010年的810人上升到2013年的3 500人,复合增长率62.88%。献浆人数从2010年的141 950人上升到2013年的217 000人数。复合增长率15.20%。结论根据目标群体服务需求,采用7P营销组合策略指导招募献血浆者工作和改变社会、目标群体对采浆的认识是可行和有着广阔前景。
Objective To explore the feasibility of introducing 7P marketing strategy into the recruitment of plasma donors and to achieve the goal of changing the target groups (potential donors) to recognize plasma and then establish a stable plasma donor team. The method establishes the close relationship with the target group through 7P marketing combination strategy to meet the needs of target groups. Results The number of people who donated plasma rose from 810 in 2010 to 3 500 in 2013, with a CAGR of 62.88%. The number of donors increased from 141 950 in 2010 to 217 000 in 2013. CAGR of 15.20%. Conclusion According to the service needs of target groups, adopting 7P marketing combination strategy to guide the work of recruiting plasma donors and changing society, the target groups’ awareness of plasma harvesting is feasible and has broad prospects.