一、茂名港的战略目标及功能定位 遵循国家港口产业政策和根据茂名港的实际,我们认为在今后5~10年内,要把茂名港建成华南地区最大的石油化工专业港及广东省重要的石化物流基地。在确立石化大型专业港的同时,全面提升港口功能,使茂名港的散杂货、集装箱也有一个跨
I. The Strategic Objectives and Functional Orientation of Maoming Port Following the industrial policies of the state port and according to the actual conditions of Maoming Port, we think Maoming Port should be built into the largest petrochemical specialty port in southern China and the important petrochemical industry in Guangdong Province in the next 5 to 10 years. Logistics base. In the establishment of large-scale petrochemical professional port at the same time, comprehensively enhance the port functions, so Maoming port bulk groceries, containers also have a cross