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作战分析仿真是以各类战争活动为研究对象,以辅助各级决策为目的的一类仿真系统,其最典型的表现形式就是各类“方案”。由于其反复计算和时间紧迫性的特点,“超实时”计算是该类系统必须要具备的关键能力。并行/分布式仿真技术被认为是高性能作战分析仿真的必由之路。以PDES为代表的并行和以HLA为代表的分布式仿真平台在此类系统中都得到了一定的应用,取得了一些进步,也获得了一些经验教训,人们对它们谁更适合用于构建作战分析仿真系统争论较多。介绍了作战分析仿真的特点,阐述了并行/分布式仿真的基本原理,比较了PDES和HLA的基本结构,并从模型组织和运行方式两方面对二者进行了详细对比,深入分析了造成它们性能差异的根源,最后提出了基于BOM组件的并行作战分析仿真解决方案。 Combat analysis is a type of simulation system that takes all kinds of war activities as the research object and aids the decision-making at all levels. The most typical manifestation is all kinds of “plan”. Because of its recalculation and the urgency of time, “ultra-real-time” computing is a key capability that such systems must have. Parallel / distributed simulation technology is considered as the only way of high-performance combat analysis and simulation. The parallel simulation represented by PDES and the distributed simulation platform represented by HLA have all been applied in such systems. Some progress has been made and some lessons have been gained. People are more suitable for them to construct battle Analysis of simulation system more controversial. This paper introduces the characteristics of combat analysis and simulation, expounds the basic principle of parallel / distributed simulation, compares the basic structures of PDES and HLA, and compares the two in detail from the aspects of model organization and operation mode. The root cause of the performance difference, and finally put forward a BOM-based parallel combat analysis simulation solution.
【作文题】 (湖北省枝江市2015年2月月考)  阅读下面的文字,根据要求作文。  一位作家说:“独乐,是一个人独处时也能欢喜,有心灵与生命的充实;独醒,是不为众乐所迷惑,众人都认为应该过的生活方式,往往不一定适合我们。”  巴尔扎克说:“在各种孤独中间,人最怕精神上的孤独。单独一个人可能灭亡的地方,两个人在一起可能得救。”  要求:选好角度,确定立意,自拟标题,写一篇文章;不要脱离材料内容及含意
新课改中对语文教学提出“积极倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式”的要求,“自主学习”则排在第一位。自主学习是以学生为主导的课堂学习的深化,学生必须学会在老师不讲授知识的情况下如何去自主获取知识。自主学习的倡导符合现实情况的需要,对学生的学习和个人发展都有很大的帮助。高中阶段,学生有了较强的认知能力,因而可以比较有效地进行自主学习。   一、自主学习的内涵   与传统模式相对应,自主模式是新的现代化的学