2008~2010年连续3年设12 000、21 000、30 000、39 000、48 000、57 000株/hm26个处理,在赣北中等肥力沙壤土上,进行合理密植技术及机理比较试验,结果表明:不同密度处理对棉花的生育进程、农艺性状、棉株叶面积、单株干物质积累与分配、冠层内温度与湿度、群体光透射率、成铃分布、纤维品质以及产量与经济效益等方面均有差异变化;根据试验结果和结合生产实践认为环鄱阳湖棉区中等肥力沙壤土湘杂棉8号的适宜种植密度为30 000~39 000株/hm2,实际种植密度可根据上述密度按照“品种株型松散宜稀、紧凑宜密和肥力好宜稀、肥力差宜密”的原则适当增减,以获得最佳产量和最佳经济效益,达到高产稳产的目的。
For the third consecutive year from 2008 to 2010, 12 000, 21 000, 30 000, 39 000, 48 000 and 57 000 plants / hm 26 treatments were set up. On the moderately fertile sandy loam soil in northern Jiangxi Province, reasonable close planting techniques and comparative experiments were carried out. Effects of Different Density Treatments on Cotton Growth Process, Agronomic Traits, Leaf Area of Cotton Plant, Accumulation and Distribution of Dry Matter in Individual Canopy, Temperature and Humidity in Canopy, Light Transmittance of Groups, Distribution of Bells, Fiber Quality, Yield and Economic Benefits According to the test results and the combination of production practices, the suitable planting densities of medium Xiangsha cotton 8 in the Poyang Lake cotton area is 30 000 ~ 39 000 plants / hm 2. According to the above density, “Variety plant type should be loose, should be compact and fertile should be thin, poor fertility should be close to” the principle of appropriate change in order to obtain the best yield and the best economic benefits, to achieve high yield and stability of the purpose.