身体各部位疲劳是人们最常见的不适现象。在现代研究中,疲劳是一种“氧债”现象,即身体某部位组织缺氧,代谢中的酸性物质增多而发出的信号。它使人体组织细胞处于各种不良反应之中,如肿胀、僵硬、酸乏及运动不适等,长此以往,极易引发各种疾病。因此现代养生学的首要任务,就是每天都要及时清除疲劳。 下面,从三个方面介绍一些快速清除疲劳的方法。 消除心脑疲劳 完成了一天的工作,即使并非很累,但人们还是感到全身疲惫,心脑疲劳。其实,这时人的体能并没有达到极限
Fatigue in all parts of the body is the most common discomfort. In modern research, fatigue is an “oxygen debt” phenomenon, which is a signal sent by the hypoxia and the increase of acidic substances in a certain part of the body. It makes the body tissue cells in a variety of adverse reactions, such as swelling, stiffness, acid deficiency and exercise disorders, over the long run, can easily lead to various diseases. Therefore, the primary task of modern health, that is, every day to remove fatigue. Here are three ways to quickly remove fatigue from the three aspects. Elimination of mental and mental fatigue to complete the day’s work, if not tired, but people still feel exhausted, mental and mental fatigue. In fact, when people’s physical ability did not reach the limit