草莓的生长发育与气象条件关系十分密切,要达到高产和优质,必须要做到科学管理。 光照。草莓是喜光性植物,若光照不足,其产量和品质均会明显下降。据研究,每天日照短于6小时,草莓植株不能正常形成花芽。在冬季温室栽培中,由于日照时间短,光照强度弱,加上覆盖物(塑料薄膜等)对太阳光的吸收和反射作用,温室内的光照强度较弱,或遇到连阴多雾天气,对草莓的生长、产量和品质极为不利,这就需要采用人工辅助光源以增加光照。
Strawberry growth and development and weather conditions are very close, to achieve high yield and quality, we must achieve scientific management. illumination. Strawberry is a hi-light plant, if the light is insufficient, the yield and quality will be significantly reduced. According to the study, daily sunshine shorter than 6 hours, strawberry plants can not form flower buds. In winter greenhouse cultivation, due to a short sunshine duration, weak light intensity, coupled with the cover (plastic film, etc.) on the absorption and reflection of sunlight, the light intensity in the greenhouse is weak, or even cloudy and foggy weather, Strawberry growth, yield and quality is extremely detrimental, which requires the use of artificial light to increase the light source.