由五四运动开始的中国现代文化思潮,本质上是一种开放的思潮。这种思潮同五四运动所提倡的民主精神与科学精神有着内在联系。但是,长期以来,学术界对于“五四”的开放精神却较少留意,这势必影响我们对于五四运动的正确认识和正确评价,也不利于中国现代文化的建设。本文拟就这个问题提出一些初步的意见。 五四运动与开放意识 五四运动是在近代一系列事变的推动和
The trend of Chinese modern culture initiated by the May 4th Movement is essentially an open trend of thought. This trend of thought is intrinsically linked to the spirit of democracy and the spirit of science advocated by the May 4th Movement. However, for a long time, academics pay little attention to the opening-up spirit of the May 4th Movement, which will inevitably affect our correct understanding and correct assessment of the May 4 Movement and the construction of modern Chinese culture. This article proposes some preliminary opinions on this issue. May 4th Movement and Opening Consciousness The May 4th Movement was a series of events in the modern era