许某,男,68岁,退休工人。1985年7月初诊。反复口舌生疮3年余,伴胸闷、口苦、纳呆、寐羞,大便不爽,小便不畅,阴部湿痒,左颊部及下唇各有一黄豆粒大溃疡。舌尖红,苔黄腻,脉弦滑。泌尿外科检查:阴囊湿疹。诊为白塞氏综合征。患者性情急躁,嗜好饮酒。此属湿热蕴结肝胆,内蒸脾胃,上扰心神而致。治宜清心泻肝,健脾化湿。①投龙胆泻肝汤合甘草泻心汤加减:龙胆草9克茵陈15克柴胡12克黄芩9克黄连6克木通6克 泽
Xu, male, 68 years old, retired worker. Newly diagnosed in July 1985. Repeated tongue sores for more than 3 years, with chest tightness, mouth pain, poor appetite, shyness, dejection, poor urination, genital wet itch, left cheek and lower lip each have a large soy bean grain ulcers. The tip of the tongue is red, yellow and greasy, and the pulse is slippery. Urological examination: scrotum eczema. Diagnosis for Behcet’s syndrome. The patient is impatient and he is addicted to alcohol. This is a hot and humid accumulation of liver and gallbladder, steamed spleen and stomach, causing disturbances. Expensive heart Qingxie liver, spleen and dampness. 1 Casting Long Dan Xie Gan Decoction with Licorice Xiexin Decoction: Gentian Herb 9 Grams Yin Chen 15 grams Bupleurum 12 grams Radix Astragali 9 Grams Coptis 6 Gram Wood Tong 6 grams Ze