Generally, industrial aluminum alloy has poor damping performance and its damping capacity Q ~ (-1) is on the order of 10 ~ (-4) ~ 10 ~ (-5), which can not be used industrially as a metal damping material. The results show that the deformation properties of Al-Si alloy can be obtained under certain conditions. The changing rule is that the damping and strength properties increase with the increase of processing volume. It is found that there is a certain relationship between the damping performance Q ~ (-1) and temperature and frequency. The relationship curves of damping capacity Q ~ (-1) and Young ’s modulus with deformation are tested, and the relation curves of damping capacity Q ~ (-1) with temperature at different frequencies and the damping capacity Q ~ (-1) as a function of frequency. And with the X-ray energy spectrum analysis, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy of the organization to observe the damping mechanism to explain the dislocation.