40届欧洲糖尿病研究协会(EASD)年会以大会发言、壁报交流形式对糖尿病足的流行病学、危险因素、发病机制、治疗和预后等方面进行了交流,现就有关内容简述如下。1 流行病学糖尿病足的患病率各国报道不一,约占住院病人的6%~20%,据美国全国医院出院资料统计显示由1983~1990年期间糖尿病足增加了约50%,以45~64年龄段病人患病率最高,男性高于女性。糖尿病足的截肢随年龄增加并有种族差异,WHO多国研究表明在英国白人的截肢率为14.2/10000,
The 40th European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) annual meeting to the General Assembly to speak, poster forms of exchange of foot diabetic foot epidemiology, risk factors, pathogenesis, treatment and prognosis aspects of the exchange, the relevant content is as follows briefly. 1 Epidemiology The prevalence of diabetic foot varies widely from country to country, accounting for about 6% to 20% of inpatients, according to statistics released by the National Hospital of the United States from about 1990 to 1990, an increase of about 50% of diabetic foot to 45 The highest prevalence rate of patients in ~ 64 age group, male than female. Amputation of diabetic foot increases with age and racial differences, WHO multinational studies have shown that the white amputation rate in the United Kingdom was 14.2 / 10000,