穆青同志曾经说过,少见多怪也是一种新闻敏感的表现,这里的“少见多怪”说白了,就是一种好奇心和新鲜感,它要求新闻工作者遇事多分析,勤思考,多问几个为什么,而不能自恃博学多才,见多识广,从而对任何事情都麻木不仁,熟视无睹,这样,再好的新闻线索也会视而不见,充耳不闻,失之交臂。 具备新闻敏感是对新闻工作者的基本素质要求,而好奇心和新鲜感是激发新闻敏感的动力。福楼拜曾经说过:“任何事物里都有着未被发现的东西,因为人们观察事物时,只习惯于回忆前人对它的看法,而最细微的事物里也会有一星半点未被认识的东西,让我们去发掘它。”
Comrade Mu Qing once said that being uncommon and weird is also a news-sensitive performance. It is a kind of curiosity and freshness that the “rare and blameless” here is a matter of curiosity and freshness. It requires journalists to analyze and think hard about the situation and ask a few questions Why, and can not rely on knowledgeable, informed, and thus indifferent to anything, turned a blind eye, so no matter how good the news clues will turn a blind eye, deaf ears, missed. Possessing news sensitivity is a basic quality requirement for journalists, and curiosity and freshness are the motivation for stimulating news. Flaubert once said, “There is something undiscovered in everything, because people are used to recalling what their predecessors think about it, and the smallest things are not known Things, let’s dig it. ”