Sichuan Petroleum Administration underground operations to build natural gamma (Ge) scale model wells. It consists of three simulated formations. The middle layer of high-radioactive strata, 1.5 meters thick. Fandian dolomite rocks are low-radioactive formations from top to bottom, with thicknesses of 1.2 meters and 1.8 meters respectively. The high-radiogenic formations are made by mixing granite, mung bean and phosphorus-bearing dolomite dolomite and cementing it with polyvinyl acetate. After sampling analysis, potassium content of high-radioactive formations was 4.55%, uranium content of 8.02PPM, thorium content of 26PPM. Close to the average amount of uranium, thorium and potassium in the muddy stratum of Sichuan Province. Low radioactive stratum potassium content of