2014年4月8~10日,第12届墨西哥安防、消防、防护展览会在墨西哥城Banamex展览中心成功举办。该展由励展(REED)墨西哥GIPREX展览公司主办,拉美安防协会(ALAS)和Ventas de seguridad安防杂志社协办。展会规模逐年扩大从展会现场看,一年一度的安防展展区面积越来越大,特装的企业越来越多。此次展会共有来自36个国家和地区的近600家展商参展,数量比上届增加50家;参展面积11000平方米;观众
From April 8 to April 10, 2014, the 12th Mexico Security, Firefighting and Defense Exhibition was successfully held in Banamex Exhibition Center in Mexico City. The show is hosted by REED Mexico’s GIPREX exhibition company and is co-organized by the Latin American Security Association (ALAS) and the Ventas de seguridad security magazine. Exhibition scale has been expanded year by year From the exhibition site, the annual Security Exhibition Area is growing, special equipment more and more. A total of nearly 600 exhibitors from 36 countries and regions participated in this exhibition, the number increased by 50 over the previous session; the exhibition area was 11,000 square meters; audiences