韩语词汇中拥有大量的汉字词。据统计,所有韩国国语辞典所收录的汉字词数量至少超过韩语词汇总量的 50%。汉字词是韩语不可缺少的重要组成成分。古往今来,汉字在韩语中由官方文字渐渐成为老百姓记录语言的书写工具,使用范围越来越宽。相应地,汉字词的使用也随着汉字的日
There are a large number of Chinese character words in Korean vocabulary. According to statistics, the number of Chinese characters in all Korean national language dictionaries exceeds at least 50% of the total Korean vocabulary. Chinese character words are an indispensable and important component of Korean language. Throughout the ages, Chinese characters have gradually become the writing instruments of the people’s recording language in Korean, and their use has become wider. Correspondingly, the use of Kanji words also follows that of Japanese characters.