Continued after the boot “da da” sound, dull and silent. After the observation of “da da” sound from the motherboard when the total power supply relay KL801 off issued by the intermittent, while the relay off by the microprocessor TMP47C433AN-3849⑧ foot output high electronic control. When the fault occurs test ⑧ foot voltage, with the “da da” sound the voltage beating between 4.9 ~ 0V, we can see that the fault is not related to the voltage. There are three main reasons for the analysis: ① microprocessor itself is bad; ② 4MHz crystal oscillator is poor; ③ reset voltage is not normal. Check the microprocessor 5V power supply normal, for the crystal oscillator is invalid, test (33) pin reset voltage, found no voltage 5V, check the collector voltage V003 normal output voltage, and then