Female patient, 19 years old, unmarried. Due to dizziness, fatigue, epistaxis, teeth and pain more than 20 days in May 7, 1981 admission. Admission examination: pale, skin and mucous membrane no bleeding point, double submandibular lymph nodes such as walnuts, medium quality, limited mobility, upper and lower gums have superficial ulcers. Sternal percussion pain (++), lower extremity tibia percussion (+++). Apex area can be heard Ⅱ systolic murmur, pulmonary breath sounds normal, flat and soft abdomen, liver and spleen not touched. Blood pressure 100 / 60mmHg, pulse 104 beats / min. Laboratory tests: erythrocytes 1.65 million / mm ~ 3, hemoglobin 4.5g%, leukocytes 12,600 / mm ~ 3, 4% of neutral rod-like nucleus, neutral lobular 10%, lymphocytes 34%, monocytes 2% , 20% of the original grain, promyelocytic 16%