
来源 :黑龙江省政法管理干部学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:victorcaijun
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债权让与通知的效力有通知对抗债务人主义、通知对抗主义、通知生效主义等多种模式。经过检讨,第三人不需要用通知来对抗、让与通知也不能作为债权让与的生效要件,通说在解释论上也存在困境。因此基于价值和逻辑的双重考量,充分考虑各方面因素,进行解释论上的修正,将不生效力解释为债务人可以主张抗辩,才能完善债权让与制度。 Effectiveness of the notice of assignment of creditors notice against confrontation with creditors, notify antagonism, informism and other valid models. After review, the third person does not need to use the notice to confront, let and notice can not be creditor’s rights as the entry into force of the elements, said that there are also difficulties in the interpretation of the theory. Therefore, based on the dual consideration of value and logic, we should give full consideration to various factors, amend the interpretation of theory, explain the ineffectiveness as the debtor can advocate the defense, and improve the credit assignment system.
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