今年2月,俄罗斯Tractor Plants(拖拉机厂)公司宣布已经将TM-140履带式全地形车投入寒冷的北极地区进行测试。据悉,这主要是为了测试TM-140全地形车在高寒地区下的机动性能及适应情况,为未来批量列装部队打下基础。发展概况俄罗斯境内湖泊沼泽众多,大面积的领土处于北极边缘地带的积雪区,因此,军方高度重视车辆的越野性能,特别是具有雪地通行能力的全地形车的发展,并装备有多种型号的轮式和履带式全地形车,
In February, Russia’s Tractor Plants Company announced that it has tested the TM-140 Tracked ATV in the cold Arctic. It is reported that this is mainly to test the maneuverability and adaptation of the TM-140 ATV in the alpine region and lay the foundation for the future batch of troops. Development Overview There are many lakes and swarms in the territory of Russia. The large area of the territory is in the snow-covered area on the fringe of the Arctic. Therefore, the military attaches great importance to the development of the off-road performance of vehicles, especially the ATV with snowcapability and is equipped with more Types of wheeled and tracked ATVs,