资源委员会是抗战前设立的主要从事国防资源的调查、统计、计划与国防重工业建设的秘密机构 ,它的设立是直接为抗战作准备工作的。以往人们在论述抗战准备时 ,往往将目光集中在军事准备方面 ,然而现代战争与其说是交战双方军事力量的对抗 ,不如说是交战国综合国力的较量。因此
Resources Commission is established before the war of resistance mainly engaged in the investigation of national defense resources, statistics, planning and construction of national defense heavy industry secret agency, its establishment is directly prepared for the war effort. In the past, when discussing preparations for the war of resistance, people often focused their attention on military preparations. However, modern warfare is not so much a confrontation of military forces on both sides of the warring parties as it is a contest of the comprehensive national strength of belligerent countries. therefore