治疗直肠癌行 Miles 手术(腹会阴联合直肠癌根治术)时,一般均在左下腹做结肠造口。自1982年起我院外科参照张庆荣和湖北医学院附属第二医院肿瘤科的手术方法并加以改进,对直肠癌施行单侧股薄肌移植.括约肌战形,肛门原位重建术16例。此手术较原手术方法操作简单、创伤小、术后肛门功能良好,现将手术方法及体会介绍如下.
In the treatment of rectal cancer Miles (abdominal perineum and rectal cancer radical surgery), colostomy is usually done in the left lower quadrant. Since 1982, the Department of Surgery of our hospital has been referring to Zhang Qingrong and the Department of Oncology of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Hubei Medical College for surgical improvement and unilateral gracilis transplantation for rectal cancer. Sphincter-shaped warping and in situ reconstruction of the anus have been used in 16 cases. This operation is simpler, less invasive and has better postoperative anal function than the original surgical procedure. The surgical procedure and experience are described below.