微软又有麻烦了,不过这次麻烦不是来自司法部,而是来自一个名叫“火狐(Firefox)”的浏览器,2005年2月份的《连线》杂志的封面人物,就是由于发明并且成功地推广火狐浏览器而成为近期热门人物的布莱克·罗斯(Blake Ross)。罗斯今年刚刚19岁,但他登上《连线》这类杂志的封面只是个时间的问题。尽管火狐浏览器目前只占有浏览器市场份额的4%,微软的 InternetExplorer 则占据了92%,这让火狐与微软的战争看上去像是大卫迎击巨人歌利亚。但它在去年的成长幅度高达53%,与此相对应的是,微软的
Microsoft was in trouble again, but the trouble was not with the DOJ, but with a browser called Firefox, and in February 2005 the cover story of Wired Magazine was due to inventions And Blake Ross, who became the hot favorite recently by promoting Firefox. Rose is just 19 years old this year, but it is only a matter of time before he can board the cover of a “wired” magazine. Although Firefox currently accounts for only 4% of the browser’s market share, Microsoft InternetExplorer accounted for 92%, which makes the war between Firefox and Microsoft looks like David Goliar against giant Goliath. But its growth rate last year was as high as 53%, corresponding to this is Microsoft’s