近日在报上读到了两则新闻。一则是安徽合肥市的一位10岁的女孩在家被菜刀划破了手指,不知如何处理,惊慌失措地跑到阳台上,大喊救命。邻居们闻声而来,见此情景,哭笑不得。另一则发生在美国纽约郊区的一个农场里,一个10岁男孩在劳动时被机器轧断了双臂,他忍着巨痛,跑到400米之外的公用电话亭,用脚踹开铁门,又用牙齿咬着铅笔拨打求救电话,然后才昏倒在地。医护人员赶来时,他被弄醒了,他还提醒:“别忘了带上折臂。”同样是孩子,但求生能力却相差悬殊,原因何在? 在日常生活中,我们经常听到如何教育孩子,大家关心的只是孩子的考试成绩,而求生能力的教育被我们忽视了。以前听到过孩子早上出门时妈妈给她煮了一些茶叶蛋,晚上回来,茶叶蛋原封不动地没有吃。不是孩子不喜欢吃,而是因为她不知道怎
Recently read two newspapers in the newspaper. One is a 10-year-old girl in Hefei, Anhui was chopped finger at the kitchen knife, I do not know how to deal with, ran to the balcony panicked, shouting for help. Neighbors heard, see this scene, dumbfounding. The other occurred in a farm on the outskirts of New York in the United States. A 10-year-old boy was severed by arms while working. He endured a great pain and went to a public phone booth 400 meters away. , Using a pencil with his teeth to dial a distress call, before fainting. He was awakened when the medical staff arrived, and he reminded: “Do not forget to take the fold.” The same is a child, but their ability to survive varies greatly. What is the reason? In daily life, we often hear how Education of children, we are concerned about only the child’s test scores, and survival of the education we have overlooked. I had heard the child go out in the morning when her mother gave her boiled some eggs, come back in the evening, the eggs are not eaten intact. Not because children do not like to eat, but because she does not know how