某工程主桥桥址区位于武汉市西南部,承台处水深达10m,主墩基础以钢板桩围堰为施工设计方案。以本工程25#墩为例,介绍钢板桩围堰施工及设计分析。应用有限元软件建立整体模型,通过分析钢板桩围堰施工过程中4种不利工程状况,对围堰进行强度、刚度、稳定性及封底混凝土抗浮性计算。经验算及实践证明,钢板桩围堰施工方便快捷,防水性能好,重复利用率高,经济效益高,且安全满足规范要求。“,”Based on the steel sheet pile cofferdam used for construction of a bridge pile at a depth of nearly 10m of the river which were located on the south-west of Wuhan. This paper introduce design and construction of the steel sheet pile cofferdam, establishes 3D mechanical model with software MIDAS Civil, calculates the strength and angular rigidity and stability of steel sheet pile, and anti-floating of concrete back cover. According to checking and practice, steel sheet pile cofferdam has constructional feasibility with speed, waterproof ability and repetitive usage possibilities, higher economic benefit and satiate specifications and safety.