
来源 :企业改革与管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoqiudyy1988
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社会经济发展的今天,世界经济已经从制造经济进入了服务经济的新时期。在企业与企业之间,服务的好与坏,直接决定着企业在未来市场竞争中成与败。从企业未来的发展进程来看,客户是在其中起着决定性的影响。企业与企业之间,要想在未来的市场竞争中取得优势,其中重要一点就是通过提高自己的服务质量来吸引更多的客户,不断提升顾客的满意度,从而提高企业的经济效益与竞争实力,从而得到更大的发展空间。本文通过服务质量管理和客户满意度之间的关系研究,以提升客户满意度为前提,分析服务质量管理和客户满意度之间的关系,从而归纳出服务质量管理和客户满意度提高的一些方法。 Nowadays, with the development of social economy, the world economy has entered a new era of service economy from manufacturing economy. Between the enterprise and the enterprise, the service is good and bad, which directly determines the enterprise’s success and failure in the future market competition. From the perspective of the future development of enterprises, customers play a decisive role in them. Between enterprises and enterprises, in order to gain the advantage in the future market competition, one of the important points is to enhance the economic efficiency and competitive strength of enterprises by attracting more customers by improving their service quality and continuously improving customer satisfaction , So as to get more room for development. Based on the research of the relationship between service quality management and customer satisfaction, this paper analyzes the relationship between service quality management and customer satisfaction based on the premise of enhancing customer satisfaction, and then sums up some methods of service quality management and customer satisfaction improvement .
针对传统图像匹配算法计算量大、耗时长等缺陷,提出一种基于SURF(speeded up robust features)的图像特征点快速匹配算法.首先对图像采用SURF算法提取特征点;然后通过Haar小波变换确定特征点的主方向和特征点描述子,使用优化的最近邻搜索算法(best bin first,BBF)进行特征点匹配;最后根据实际需要选取相似度最高的前n对匹配点进行对比实验.实验结果表明:该算法
介绍GIS(geographic information system,地理信息系统)空间数据在关系数据库中的存储方法.以shape文件为例,分析shape文件系列(*.shp,*.shx,*.dbf)的存储格式,研究在IBM DB2 9关系数据库系统中以XML(extensible markup language,可扩展标识语言)方式存储GIS空间数据的方法,实现了shape文件在DB2 9关系