王家卫的电影《花样年华》剧情始于1962年的香港,终于1966年的柬埔寨。梁朝伟饰演的周慕云并没有跟张曼玉饰演的苏丽珍修成正果。结尾,周慕云在吴哥窟寺院对着廓柱树洞诉说着心中的秘密。沧海桑田,往事随着时光掩埋……电影《虎兄虎弟》《古墓丽影》也都选择了柬埔寨取景。这里所展现出罕有的神秘感,深受中外电影工作者的青睐。邂逅千年的微笑柬埔寨,全称柬埔寨王国(Kingdom of Cambodia)。高棉族为主体民族,占总人口的80%。高棉族是一个具有悠久历史和灿烂文化的民族。
Wong Kar-wai’s film “Mood for Love” story began in Hong Kong in 1962, and finally in 1966 in Cambodia. Tony Leung Chow Wei plays Zhou Muyun did not play Maggie Che Su Li Zhen into a positive result. At the end, Chow Mo-Wan tells the secret of the heart in the Angkor Wat temple against the stalactite tree cave. The sea and the sun, the past as time buries ... ... “Tiger Brothers” “Tomb Raider” also chose the Cambodia framing. Here show a rare mystery, by Chinese and foreign filmmakers of all ages. Meet millennium smile Cambodia, full name of Kingdom of Cambodia (Kingdom of Cambodia). Khmer as the main ethnic group, accounting for 80% of the total population. Khmer is a nation with a long history and splendid culture.