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“江浙财团”是一个在上海的以江浙籍银行家和工商业者为核心的有较大政治影响力的经济集团,是中国近代民族资产阶级的中坚力量。从20世纪初开始,形成中的江浙财团就积极领导和参与了收回利权的斗争、辛亥革命、袁世凯政权的稳定、五四运动、五卅运动等,并尝试过建立自己的政权。由于20世纪初的政治努力的失败,及对中共领导的工人运动的惧怕,最后他们把政治希望寄托在蒋介石身上,从而使“江浙财团”走上了政治上的不归路。 The Jiangsu-Zhejiang Consortium is a political group with a political influence in Shanghai centered around bankers and businesspeople from Jiangsu and Zhejiang. It is the backbone of the modern Chinese national bourgeoisie. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the forming consortium of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province has actively led and participated in the struggle for the recovery of profits, the Revolution of 1911, the stability of Yuan Shikai’s political power, the May 4th Movement and the May 30 Movement, and also tried to establish its own power. Due to the failure of political efforts at the beginning of the 20th century and the fear of the workers’ movement led by the CPC, they finally pin their political hopes on Chiang Kai-shek, thereby putting the “Jiangsu-Zhejiang consortium” on a political no-return path.
利用SEM、XRD和DSC研究了制备方法对Al/Fe2 O3纳米铝热剂储存性能的影响。结果表明,超声共混法制备的纳米铝热剂放置60 d后,活性铝的平均粒径减小4 nm,使得铝热反应放热量降