在农村,挖井掏井是常有的事。但挖井掏井有时会发生意外。 事故发生在武汉市黄陂区祁家湾。今年4月,31岁的曾某准备将他家的水井加深,并请来村民张某帮忙。水井深16米,直径60多厘米。清晨,当曾某下到井底后,突然感到出不了气,也叫不出来,只能发出“呜呜”声。井外的张某发现不对劲,急忙沿绳子下井,同井外的村民一起将曾某救
In rural areas, digging wells dig wells are commonplace. However, digging wells dig wells sometimes accidents. The accident occurred in Qiqiwan Huangpi District of Wuhan City. This year in April, 31-year-old Zengmou ready to deepen the wells in his home, and invited the villagers Zhang help. Water depth of 16 meters, more than 60 centimeters in diameter. In the early morning, when Zengmou went downstairs, he suddenly felt out of breath and could not call out anymore. He only made “hum” sound. Zhang outside the well found wrong, hastily along the rope to go down, with the villagers outside the well will have a rescue