绝经后出血 (postmenopusalbleeding ,PMB)系指经绝后一年以上的生殖道出血。约 6 0 %的绝经妇女罹患此症[1] 。可见PMB是老年妇女常见症状之一。据Kenistis等报道[2 ] ,在 40年代前 ,引起PMB的病因中 ,恶性肿瘤占 6 0 %~ 80 % ,6 0年
Postmenopausal bleeding (PMB) refers to bleeding through the genital tract after more than one year. About 60% of menopausal women suffer from this disease [1]. Visible PMB is one of the common symptoms of elderly women. According to Kenistis et al. [2], malignant tumors accounted for 60% to 80% of the causes of PMB before the 1940s and 60 years