我国从1994年开始实施执业药师资格制度,至今已有 11年,执业药师从无到有、队伍数量不断发展壮大、整体素质不断提高,执业药师资格制度不断走向成熟。11年来,执业药师提供药学服务,促进公众身体健康,保障公众用药安全、有效、经济,为全面推进小康社会进程,构建和谐社会作出重要贡献。回顾11年来的执业药师管理工作,成效显著, 有目共睹。但是同时我们也感到肩负责任的重要以及面临的机遇和挑战。
Since 1994, China has practiced the qualification system of practicing pharmacists. So far, 11 years have passed since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The number of practicing pharmacists has grown from zero and the number of teams has grown continuously. The overall quality has been continuously improved and the qualification system of practicing pharmacists has been maturing. For 11 years, practicing pharmacists have provided pharmaceutical services, promoted the public’s health, ensured the safety, effectiveness and economy of public use of medicines, and made important contributions to the process of building an overall well-to-do society and building a harmonious society. Reviewing the 11 years of practicing pharmacist management has achieved remarkable results and is obvious to all. At the same time, however, we also feel the importance of responsibility and the opportunities and challenges we face.